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We are proudly non-profit, non-corporate and non-compromised.

Our supporter community directly enables us to bring you the latest electronic music and tour news in Australia.

Since our inception in 2014, OZ EDM has grown into one of Australia’s leading sources of electronic music news with a focus on presenting each reader with valuable information in an advertisement free environment.

As we want to keep our content sincere and keep pushing the site forward, we’ve covered hosting and secondary operating costs ourselves instead of reaching out to sponsors. As OZ EDM continues to grow, so do costs and this is where we’re hoping you come in. Please consider donating a one-time contribution towards our monthly costs.

We’re moving towards a flourishing tomorrow with lots of new additions planned for our website and we could use your help!

When you support OZ EDM, you’re supporting electronic music in Australia. Our team of contributors endeavour to bring you the latest music news, tour announcements, features and editorials, reviews, artist interviews and competition giveaways.

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