A company responsible putting together Nielsen ratings for television stations, Nielsen Holdings N.V., has conducted an interesting study on the basic statistics of EDM listeners in the USA.
The study compiled demographic information of electronic dance music listeners such as age, ethnicity, education, household income, and the predominant gender of listeners. Luckily, the company was smart enough to focus on ‘core EDM fans’, where data was excluded from listeners of pop crossovers and mega-hits. Nielsen compiled data from participants who accessed music matching the genre profile on YouTube.
The research found that the dance music scene is predominantly male, with only 45% of listeners being female. The dominant age group of the scene is 18-24 at 23% total. Average education for listeners comes in at 28% with some college followed by high school graduates at 18%. 27% of listeners have the household income of $25,000-49,000 followed by 23% coming in with $50,000-74,000.
Even though the study has some factors that throw it’s 100% reliability, it’s still a fun way to generally gauge some stats on dance music fans.
Check out the rest of the statistics in the full infograph below!